Through the rough seas – together
There is no question that we are currently facing unprecedented socio-economic struggles. But all we can do now, is weather the storm, wait for the calm and start rebuilding.
Makia has taken steps to prevent the spread of Covid-19. The Makia HQ team is mostly working from home, only the minimum personnel needed will be at the office. Also, as of today, the Makia Flagship Store in Helsinki will remain closed until further notice. Our webstore will keep serving you, and our warehouse is following the strictest health protocols possible. We will, of course, keep listening to the officials closely, and make the changes required when the time comes.
We also want to encourage you to stay home as much as possible, and therefore we are offering free standard shipping on all orders until further notice.
As a final note, we hope everyone keeps supporting their favorite businesses in every way possible. They need it right now. If you are unable to support financially, you can still help by spreading the word of businesses in need of support. Let’s pull through this together.
Stay home, stay safe.
Through the rough seas. Hold Fast.
With love,
The Makia team.